To whom:
Any one who wants to start their career as a frontend web developer
What you'll get:
I'll teach to write code for frontend UI for one small real time project.
If you want to secure your web site then your website should perform authentication against the users and allow only authenticated users to access the resources of the website.
This authentication is the basic feature for modern websites.
You'll be learning to code for the authentication.
I'll explain how to use Token authentication for this project.
Only authenticated users can only access the resources of your website.
I'll explain the Redux as well.
You'll be able to use Redux in your project if your project is growing much bigger, then Redux is much useful as a centralized data source for all components.
After development completion we'll be building the the code to deploy in production.
Finally you'll be getting a production ready bundle.
You can try for jobs, including Remote developer jobs as well.
Html, Css, JavaScript(Good to have)