-Learn By Examples, By relating it to real life things. You will retain it for long.
-Dont ever wait for your teachers or tutors for starting something new topics. Make your own pace study before enyone teaches you.
-Dont study for several hours with absent mind. Instead study hard when you sit to do so.
-Best time to start or complete any task, any subject, any chapter or topic is NOW and not from tomorrow or monday, or 1st of any month. Its Now or Never.
-Choosing to study is your wish but if you made such wish than be obsessive (Junoon) to excel.
-Be Managed and dont give excuse to yourself atleast.
-Set small goals and achieve them
-Never ever keep backlog of work. Complete it and finish it when it should be.
-Trust yourself
-Stay away from anger, hunger, sleep, mobiles, Social Media, Television. (ONLY WHEN YOU STUDY)
-Never Give Up on yourself. Keep trying what you believed in. And if you failed just read the above points onces again.