"What should we do to succeed?" is the one big question that is thrown at me during the innumerable interactions I have had with the students over the last decade and a half. The answer that I have learnt over the years covers five compelling but straightforward aspects.
- Attention span – The youth's most significant challenge (even the middle-aged executives) is the dwindling attention span. The intelligent gadgets around you are slowly but steadily making you dumb. It has reached such alarming proportions that people are talking about going in for a "digital detox" therapy. The more time one spends away from the TV, Laptops, Smartphones, etc., the higher the attention span.
- Burning Desire to succeed – You must have a burning desire to succeed; that is what sets apart a match-winner from an also-ran. Half-hearted efforts would only give half baked results.
- Willingness to work hard – If you are willing to acquire the required skill and ability, you will achieve tremendous success.
- Dream Big – Please remember the lesson you learnt in primary school to aim for the stars to reach the treetop still holds good. Smaller dreams are meant for lesser mortals, not for you.
- Persistence – A persistent effort alone yields the expected results. You should be the one mine digger who did not give up; for all you know; a big success could just be one knock away!!
What has your experience taught you!!! Would you please share it with me?