INTER- the activity that is link up with one other or each other
NET- simply means a Network similar to a spider's web.
So Internet is a complex and complicated system of interconnected elements. Now what are these interconnected elements?. These could be our devices such as Desktop's at home, work stations at large organizations, but these devices have to connected with what. There has to be some system or device on other end. Here comes the servers established at the premises of companies or organizations those who are providing facilities to whole world. For instance, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, YAHOO and many more about which we can't even not going to think by the time one more company might be created. So what these companies are doing on INTERNET, they are facilitating us and other internet users to link with our beloved ones and to know each other on personal as well on professional level. They provide us facility of Mail generation and forwarding of same most probably known as E-Mail. We can forward our pictures, so do we can share videos and chat with each other has become possible with the software's provided by Microsoft and third party developers named as SKYPE or DROPBOX.
CLOUD is the latest revolution that has been made in terms of Internet transformation. Cloud provides you a facility to create a backup of their data no matter it’s a text file or an audio/visual format such as mp3/mp4.
All this has become possible because of internet i.e. linkage of connections on global level.