In this course we'll cover all the basics of Devops which covers implementation,migration and troubleshooting along with that basic linux also will be covered.
Adding to the above all the interview oriented topics will be discussed and will conduct couple of mock interviews in the end to boost your confidence to take up interviews.
We also provide study materials to crack the certification.
Who is this course for? This course is for students willing to switch into testing or students starting their career in testing.
What will be covered? We cover all the basics to advance topics help you prepared for interviews.
Mock Interview: Yes, We do one to one mock interviews with real time questions
System requirements: High speed or nominal internet connectivity with atleast a 2-8gb ram PC or Laptop.
Timings: At your convenience per our discussion and availability.
Software requirement: Windows, Linux, Skype or Teamviewer or Zoom.
Browser: Firefox or Chrome.
Your responsibility: To be more proactive in raising questions and attentive in completing the assignments on daily basis.
Request to have good internet connectivity with headphone.
Interest and thrive to scale up.
Below is the highlights of the topics will be covered:
1. Devops Introduction
2. What is Devops?
3. What is CI/CD Pipeline?
4. Git & GitHub
5. Jenkins
6. Docker
7. Mesos/Kubernetes
8. AWS
9. Realtime end to end Project/Scenario