Here you will start to learn basic of Html, Css and how to do layout of page.
What is component and How does the component model evolves in current world of web development.
Fundamental of Javascript (If you are a beginner)
In and out of React Js with hands on training.
At the end of the training you will know about how to develop production ready application with react js.
Here is what we cover:
1. Intro Web Development
2. Fundamentals of Javascript
3. How & Why React
4. Fundamentals of React
5. Writting First React Component
6. Class vs Functional Component and When to use what
7. State and props
8. Building Checkout page in react
9. Component communication
10. Render Props
11. Higher order component
12. Lifting State up
13. Thinking of Component as View of State
14. Displaying data from server
15. Building Task Manager app
16. React Do's and Don'ts
17. Testing React components using JEST.
18. How to ship application to production.
Once we completed we are ready develop production ready application.