One of the important aspect in answering in Public exams: Mark Based Time Management
- Most of the students do not plan out how much time to spend on various questions.
- They try to attend questions in the order of the paper.
- They spend more time on the earlier questions ( less marks) and find short of time for the later questions (more marks).
- First they should spend 5 -10 minutes in planning the whole answering scheme.
- One should go through the paper and decide the choices and make a note against the choices time estimates.
- This planning is crucial so that one balance the time and the answer effort with respect to the marks allotted.
- Unless one practice this principle through the practice papers, it will not possible at the time of the publc exam.
- The objective questions should not be attended at first itself.
- One likes to rush through this section; makes errors;
- One should attend the other questions first; One would have revised the subject in answering the other questions;
- Then one should attend the objective questions; one will note the finer differences in the choices;
- Again one should not rush in the section. One should spend time to study all the options; compare and then mark the choices.