To find cube root of a cubic numbers:
What are cubic numbers
cube of 1= 1, (ends with 1),cube of 11= 1331 (ends with 1), and so on.
cube of 2= 8, (ends with 8),cube of 12= 1728 (ends with 8), and so on.
cube of 3= 27, (ends with 7),cube of 13= 2147 (ends with 7), and so on.
cube of 4= 64,(ends with 8),cube of 148 (ends with 4), and so on...
cube of 5= 125,(ends with 8),cube of 15 (ends with 5), and so on...
cube of 6= 216,(ends with 8),cube of 16 (ends with 6), and so on...
cube of 7= 343,(ends with 8),cube of 17 (ends with 3), and so on...
cube of 8= 512,(ends with 8),cube of 18 (ends with 2), and so on...
cube of 9= 729,(ends with 8),cube of 19 (ends with 9), and so on...
cube of 10= 1000, cube of 20= 8000, cube of 30= 27000, cube of 40 = 64000, and so on.
To find the cube root of a cubic number (lets take the cubic number at most of 6- digits)
1 Take triplets from right.
2 decide the unit place of the cuberoot by looking at the unit place of the cube number.
Unit's place in the cubic number Unit's place in the cubic number
1 1
2 8
3 7
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 3
8 2
9 9
ends with 3 zeros ends with one zero
and so on.
3 decide the 10's place of the cuberoot by looking at the the cube number.
the cubic number(x) Unit's place in the cubic number
and so on.
Find cuberoot of 314432.
314432 ends with 2, so unit place of cuberoot of 314432 is 8.
So cuberoot of 314432 i= 68.