What is Electricity
Everything is made of atoms
- There are 118 elements; an atom is a single part of a component.
- An atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons
- Electrons (- charge) are attracted to protons (+ charge), this holds the atom together.
- Some materials have a strong attraction and refuse to lose electrons; these are called insulators (air, glass, rubber, most plastics)
- Some elements have weak attractions and allow electrons to be lost; these are called conductors (copper, silver, gold, aluminium)
- Electrons can be made to move from one atom to another; this is called a current of electricity.
- The surplus of electrons is called a negative charge (-). A shortage of electrons is called a positive charge (+).
- A battery provides a surplus of electrons by chemical reaction.
- By connecting a conductor from the positive terminal to negative terminal electrons will flow.