Hindi Alaphabets:
If we have to teach the students hindi alphabets we will have first make them understand how many alphabets are there in hindi and there division For ex- there are 45 alphabets in hindi they are divided into there groups that is swaraakshar, 2nd group vanjanaakshar and last sayukthaakshar first class we will teach only till here. Then in the second class we will revise the topic taught in last class then proceed further then start with swaraakshar and then its first alphabet of swaraakshar that is a. How will teach the students in writing a first we should tell them to write 3 number three when the child finishes writing this then we should tell them to draw a small sleeping line from the centre and then attached to that sleeping line we should tell the child to draw a standing line then lastly tell the child to draw a small sleeping line on top of standing line we should not tell the child to do this only once but twice as they are not learned or used to writing hindi alphabets. Like this we have to keep teaching him all alphabets but a alphabet a day not more as he will get confused if we teach all alpahabets together.