Value Stream Mapping:
Value stream mapping (VSM) is one of the lean manufacturing techniques used to identify waste, reduce process cycle times, and implement process improvement. VSM is, also known as "material and information flow mapping", depicts various work streams and information flows.
A core principle in lean methodology is the removal of waste within an operation. The Lean Manufacturing model recognizes seven types of waste within an operation
- Overproduction
- Inventory
- Motion
- Defects
- Over-processing
- Waiting &
- Transport
To overcome the spotted issues in any production plant, We want a contemporary and comprehensive producing strategy or ways to optimize their performance. Here go some of the better-accepted strategies under lean manufacturing tools.
- Just-in-Time, Six Sigma,
- Total Quality Management (TQM),
- Statistical Process Control (SPC),
- Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
- Kanban System
- Cellular Manufacturing
How to Identify the waste??
- Implementation of 5S. (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu& Shitsuke), This will greatly help in distinguishing the waste from the saleable job.
- Visual study
- Time study
- Motion study through videography
What is Non-Value Added Activity?
Operation = Value added Activity + Non Value Added Activity
Value Added = Increases value of production
Non-Value Added = Increases cost of production only.
Kaizen: - It is a tool for improvement and helps to improve our processes. It has got a wide scope of application. Simply defined as "Continuous Change."