The class first phase contains few classes where i will be teaching all the basics to students Starting with the interface, settings ,how to use each and every tool what is the use of a tool ;settings of each tool,about layers and editings and the list goes on, all of these will be taught ; one bye one which enhaces the better understanding of course by students ,that will help them putting it at their best use ,and in advance phase classes students get to learn specific details mostly opening a new dialogue box which brings the best output .Adobe photoshop is such a software once you start using it,it is intrsting and timelessness software, but understanding its interface is quit difficult in the begining and will consume your time .also during these classes you will get a hand on interface plus shortcuts,as you start using it ,so there will always be assignments given to students after a decent number of classes, which will help them in the growth of this skill,the total number of classes that will be conducted are sixteen,More Significant details and notesĀ be provided to the students willing to join the course.