AWS Training
AWS is a professional level course and has an excellent scope in the field of Cloud Computing. CNT Technologies is the best training institute in north India. We provide training by highly expert and experienced trainers.
Module1: Amazon VPC
Get Started with Amazon VPC
Create New VPC
Launch an instance (Server) to use this VPC
Security- Networking in Your VPC
Route Tables
Internet Gateways
NAT Instances
DHCP Options Sets
VPC Peering
Components of Your VPN
Module 2: Amazon ElastiCache
Getting Started (Launch a Cluster )
ElastiCache Terminology and Concepts
Backup and Restore
Clusters Explanation ( Memcached and Redis )
CloudWatch Metrics with ElastiCache
Managing ElastiCache
Managing Replication Groups
DNS Names and Underlying IP
Module 3: Amazon Glacier
Module 4: Amazon IAM
Getting Started with Amazon Glacier
Working with Archives
Access Control
Audit Logging with AWS CloudTrail
Computing Checksums
Error Responses
Vault Operations
Archive Operations
Multipart Upload Operations
Job Operations
Data Retrieval Policy Operations
Module 5: Amazon Route 53
DNS Constraints and Behaviors
Configuring Amazon Route 53 as Your DNS Service
Registering a Domain Name and Configuring Amazon Route 53 as the DNS Service
Migrating DNS Service for an Existing Domain to Amazon Route 53
Creating a Subdomain That Uses Amazon Route 53 without Migrating the Parent Domain
Working with Public Hosted Zones
Working with Private Hosted Zones
Working with Resource Record Sets
Health Checks and DNS Failover
Creating, Updating, and Deleting Health Checks
Transferring a Domain to a Different AWS Account
Using IAM to Control Access to Amazon Route 53 Resources
Module 6: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Module 7: Amazon Auto Scaling
Module 8: Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
Module 9: Amazon CloudFront
Module 10: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
Module 11: Amazon EBS
Module 12: Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)