This course is for Chemistry for NEET EXAM .It is intended for class 11 and 12 students who are interested in the preparationof NEET Exams.
For class 11 students as they move from class 10 to 11 they find a lot of difference in the syllabus, now syllabus is very vast and big and class 11 syllabus is very important for NEET EXAM . So I wii be teaching from very basics to advance level so that students become highly comfortable in the subject. Special emphasis will be given in the theory portion because if the theory is very strong then any numerical can be solved based upon it. So all the basic concepts and theories will be covered systematically and numericals will be discussed and strategies are discussed how to tackle numericals
Assignments will be given to students which covers problems from basic to the advance level . Students will be solving it and then they will be discussed .