This is for beginners who have been playing chess for around a year now and want to start with the very basics of chess strategy. The focus is on building the base of the player here and having the right process of thinking. The course duration will be for around 2-3 months with 2 classes during the weekends on Sat and Sunday. We will also analyze games between the students for better understanding of the game.
Some of the basic themes that will be covered:
- Mating Combinations
- General Endgame Principles
- Back Rank
- General Opening Principles
- The double Attack
- Good and Bad Bishops
- Candidate Moves
- The Centre
- The Pin and discovered Attack
- Zugzwang
- Deflection
- The Greek Gift Sacrifice
- Evaluating a position
- Planning in Chess
- Destroying the castled Position
- Exchanging
- Priorities while calculating Variations
- Pawn Endings Part 1
- Decoying
- Time in the Opening
- Improving the Position of your Pieces
- Pawn Endings Part 2
- The Final Test