I 'm in the physics/ maths/hindi class in 5th/6th/7thclass.
. Incorporate mystery intoclassroom
. Don't reapet classroom Material
.create classroom games
.give your student choice
.Make lesson interactive
.use technology
. Don't take teaching to seriously
Related material to students' lives
. Engaging and interactive learning environment
. clear and structure curriculum
. supportive and approachable instructor
. practical and real world applications
Inclusive and respectable atmospheres
Feedback and continue improvement
Acess to modern learning tools
Look for use of modern education tools such as intelligent interactive panels to englhance learning experience setting these expectations can lead to productive and enriching classroom experience for both knowledge and personal growth.
Respect and listen to your student
.ask questions
.raise hand speak
Be prepared for class
Be quite when the student is talking
Share new ideas
Concept connecting with real world example .
Develop communication skills and thinking abilities. Use positive language. Contribute to discussion. Use proper technology. Make good interaction.