Foundational Learning:
Will be coducting a classe on Counting and writing numbers up to 100, Number recognition and identification.Addition and subtraction within 4.Introduction to basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle5.Understanding simple patterns6.Introduction to measurements like length, weight, and capacity (using non-standard units). Will be coducting a classe on Counting and writing numbers up to 100, Number recognition and identification.Addition and subtraction within 4.Introduction to basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle5.Understanding simple patterns6.Introduction to measurements like length, weight, and capacity (using non-standard units).Will be coducting a classe on Counting and writing numbers up to 100, Number recognition and identification.Addition and subtraction within 4.Introduction to basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle5.Understanding simple patterns6.Introduction to measurements like length, weight, and capacity (using non-standard units).Will be coducting a classe on Counting and writing numbers up to 100, Number recognition and identification.Addition and subtraction within 4.Introduction to basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle5.Understanding simple patterns6.Introduction to measurements like length,