This Korean Language course is designed for the beginners who just started to learn Korean language. I have divided the Basic Korean language courses in 2 levels. After completing level 1 you can clear TOPIK Level 1. (TOPIK is the official international standardized test for Korean language proficiency by Korean Government). After completing Basic level 2, you can clear TOPIK Level 2. I will be using a book developed by Seoul National University and various other books and materials as teaching references for effective learning in a short period of time. This course will cover the following topics : 1. Learning Korean alphabets 2. How to give introduction in Korean and learning greeting expressions. 3. How to have a basic daily life conversations, for example: ordering food in a restaurant or talking over a phone call, asking for directions, set up an appointment, telling the time etc. 4. Learning vocabularies that we use everyday. 5. Basic grammar to form sentences. 6. Reading and writting Korean sentences. 7. Indroduction to Korean culture 8. Tasks and activities. 9. Use of audio files spoken by korean speakers for perfect pronunciation skill. 10. Conversation sessions.