UNIX Basics and Shell Scripting
UNIX is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system that exists in many variants. UNIX is the oldest and most secure operating system architecture present today. Linux/Unix is still used today in a lot of servers. Almost 80% of the websites are running on UNIX servers.
Shell Scripting Introduction
Unix uses shells to accept commands given by the user, there are quite a few different shells available. The most commonly used shells are SH(Bourne SHell) CSH(C SHell) and KSH(Korn SHell), most of the other shells you encounter will be variants of these shells and will share the same syntax, KSH is based on SH and so is BASH(Bourne again shell). TCSH(Extended C SHell) is based on CSH.
The various shells all have built in functions which allow for the creation of shell scripts, that is, the stringing together of shell commands and constructs to automate what can be automated in order to make life easier for the user.
Understand the architecture of UNIX.
Understanding the basics of UNIX
File Systems for synchronize storage of files
Details explanation of file attributes
Basic commands and concepts
Command Manuals
Relative and Absolute Paths
Environment variables
Understand parent-child relationship of process and jobs
Basic of editor: vi
Module 1 Assignments
Module 2
Shell Introduction
Advantages of the Shell
Executing shell commands
Different types of shell
What is shell Scripting?
Writing basics shell scripts
Interpolation, Types of variables, Operators, read variables, exit status etc
Common commands used in shell script: substitution, quoting, flow controls, parameters, Shell initialization files, Quoting characters, Shell expansion, Aliases
Shell scripting execution
Module 2 Assignments
Special Variables and Parameters
Function Introduction
Understand how functions use as independent building blocks
Scope of variable in functions – local & global
Input/output redirection
Variables substitution in shell
Connect to third party application like: Oracle, FTP etc.
HERE documents
Regular Expressions in detail (use grep, awk, sed)
Industry experience sample scripts debugging
Standard process of writing shell scripts as per company standards.
Module 3 Assignments
Important commands and utilities like cut, sort, uniq, grep, find, awk, sed etc
nohup and backend processes
Signals handling and trapping
SED Utility in detail
GREP Utility in detail
FIND Utility in detail
AWK utility in detail
Famous and often use cases with one liner examples
Module 4 Assignments
Assigning values to positional parameters
Compress and archive the files
Debug your shell Scripts
Crontab and at utilities for job scheduling
Job scheduling third party tools discussion