- Fibonacci Ratio or the Golden Ratio has several occurrences in nature to prove its validity!
- These ratios give amazing support, resistances and target zones for stock prices.
- These levels are tremendously useful for anticipating long term price levels and they work like magic!
This Knowklet is ideal for:
- Anyone who wants to protect his stock market portfolio
- Anyone who wants to learn and master Technical Analysis
- Anyone who wants invest in the stock market but is clueless how and where to begin
- Students or candidates looking for a job in brokerage houses
- Anyone who is a dealer or RM but wants an extra edge to provide better advice to his clients
Profit from the Markets Knowklets:
This series of Live Webinars is one we have created keeping in mind the current buoyant situation of Indian Financial Markets! The buzz around these markets is enough to lure innocent investors to invest blindly and then lose it all! The Profit from the Market Knowklets will provide you with enough ammunition to not only survive in the worst market conditions but also make money. It will also prevent you from rash investing!