In two hours sessions focus will be on several things regarding learning English language so as to make oneself equipped with several important things which would assist in getting goal achieved.
Mainly the focus would be on:
¶ Doing lots of practice as to get familiar with it.
¶ Learning different strategies.
¶ Preparing a candidate to remove stage fear by giving speech, participation in debate, group discussion and all.
¶ Buildings English language vocabulary every day.
¶ Concentrating on Grammar topics such as tenses, auxiliary verbs, preposition, conjunction, complex sentences and so on.
¶ Practicing how to write and say things in other words by learning synonym and antonyms.
¶ Working on speaking skills by practicing several phrases, common spoken expressions on daily basis on different topics.
¶ Special class for writing skills to learn things related to writing sessions.
¶ Classroom activities to enhance communication skills that would be effectiv, wherein a candidate would get to know about the level and can work on potential areas.
¶ Working on all improving personality.