CATIA Basic covers basic introduction of below software workbenches:
Introduction of Sketcher Workbench,positioned sketch and use of various toolbars and commands in the workbench,creating,editing and modifying sketches,understanding terms related to sketcher and specification tree,constraining of sketches.
2.Part Design
Introduction of Part Design Workbench,reference elements and Sketch based features.Use of various commands and toolbars in the workbench,creating,editing modifying the part features and advance modelling tools.
Introduction of Surfacing Workbench,working with the wireframe and Surface Design Workbench,creating,editing and modifying surfaces.Use of various toolbars and commands in the workbench ,maintaining the specification tree and creating solids from surfaces.
4.Assembly Design
Introduction of assembly workbench,assembly modeling,use of various toolbars and commands,assembly design techniques,concept of various types of assembly links and how to maintain the links in the assembly workbench.
Introduction to drawing workbench,working with drafting,use of various commands and toolbars in the workbench,creating,generating and modifying drawing views and basics of geometric dimesioning and tolerances.
6.Advance Surfacing
Maintaining the tree structure,concept of replace surface,parametric designing and best industry followed design practices.
Training will start right from basic which will give you introduction of various workbenches of catia. However,it does not cover the domain related training,for domain related training please refer the domain based course content.