Python Enhancement Proposals(PEP) are suggestions for improvements to the language, made by experienced Python developers. PEP 8 is a style guide on the subject of writing readable code. It contains a number of guidelines in reference to variable names, which are summarized here:
1. Modules should have short, all lowercase names. ex: arithops
2. Class names should be in TitleCase. ex: AnimalGeneric
3. Constants ( variables that never change value ) should be in UPPERCASE. ex: PI
4. Names that would clash with Python keywords ( such as 'class' or 'if') should have a trailing underscore. ex: _class, _if
5. Use double underscore before class data members to make encapsulation possible.
PEP8 also recommends using spaces around operators and after commas to increase readability.
The above PEP 8 style guide is very much useful for Python beginners to maintain consistency of variable names through out the project and helping in writing a readable code.