Material master:
Storing the material related data into the database is called as material master data. In material master data, we can save the information for different views or different operations. Once the material master is created if we enter the material, then all the content-related information will be pulled from the database.
Material master transaction code.
- MM01 - Creation of Material master
- MM02 - Change material master
- MM03 - Display material master
Material master creation.
In MM01 screen, we have to maintain the industry sector (based on the which industry we belong to), material type whether it is a raw material or semifinished material. Once we enter the above information, then we have to select the views. To complete one MM cycle Basis data, purchasing and accounting information is mandatory.
Once we enter all the information, then the system will propose the material no if the internal no range is configured. Or else we have to maintain the material no manually. (external no range).
Material master change
In MM02 we can change the required information. In Change transaction, we can't create any new views we can only change the values which we have already entered during our creation of the material.
Material master display
In MM03, we can display the material master field values for particular views. Here we can't edit any information. Based on the views we are selecting, we can show specific views.