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6 Important Soft Skill

Preeti Singh
26/09/2016 0 0
  1. Teamwork.
    Regardless of the position a person holds or their job responsibilities, they need to be able to work well with their co-workers. They must be ready and willing to take and follow orders, as well as give them when they are fulfilling the leadership role. Otherwise, this person cannot be a productive member of the team and may be a liability instead of an asset within the organization.
  2. Communication.
    Learners must have the ability to articulate their thoughts and express their ideas with precision. This applies to both written and verbal communication. Can they write a concise email that highlights the main points of the business strategy? Can they convey their concerns and questions effectively in a business meeting?
  3. Time Management.
    This soft skill focuses on meeting deadlines, staying on-task, and setting priorities. Does the individual make the most of their work day, or are they constantly distracted by side tasks? When they are given an assignment, can they outline every step they must take to complete the task and how long it will take?
  4. Critical Analysis.
    Critical analysis is all about collecting data and know how use that data to achieve the desired outcome. For example, if a learner is given a list of statistics, can they use that information to make an informed decision or do they have trouble processing the data? Do they have the skill to manage and manipulate data to make the most out of it and apply it in real world settings?
  5. Adaptability.
    This is also referred to as personal growth and flexibility. It requires learners to identify their weaknesses, then strive to improve them and grow as an individual. They must be willing to learn and to adapt, to be lifelong learners who have a thirst for knowledge.
  6. Problem Solving.
    Individuals who are adept at problem solving are able to view the problem from different angles and apply previously learned knowledge to arrive at a solution. Do they know how to resolve conflicts and overcome challenges that they face on a daily basis? Are they able to use lateral thinking to come up with a new approach to an old problem?
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