Here are fifteen basic words and phrases that will sail you into the Spanish speaking world.
Hola! Hi
Bienvenido (a) Welcome (Bienvenida when addressing a woman)
Que tal? How's it going?
Cómo estás? How are you?
Buenos días Good morning/day
Buenas noches Good evening/night
Hasta la proxima Until next time
Hasta pronto Until soon (see you soon)
Adiós Goodbye
Gusto de verte Nice to see you
Es un placer It is a pleasure
Por favor Please
Disculpe Sorry / Excuse me
Si, entiendo Yes I understand
No quiero I don't want
Now all that remains is getting the hang of the right pronunciation, for which talking to a native speaker helps. Always remember Spanish is pronounced phonetically, so it is really easy - way easier than English!