Why English:
English is essential for three main reasons.
The first is English is a universal language. No matter where you are, people tend to talk with you in English. My father highlights the importance of English that could help me to travel to new places, meet new people, and access a vast pool of information.
The second is English is widely used in many scientific circles for publication, especially in science and technology, medicine, business and social sciences. A majority of the scientific journal shows that scientists use to describe what is going on inside their experiment. Most complicated processes include graphs, pie charts, bar graphs to explain trends and draw conclusions from information interpreted and analysed by scientists. That is important.
The third is: English is used as a spoken language. You cannot refuse to say that in any conference, most people don’t use English as a means of communication. As you can see from TED talk, people with different ethnic groups and backgrounds show themselves on a stage and speak English with confidence. With varying tones of voice and meaning, we cannot ignore that English is not a universal language. The trend continues to rise because technology accelerates global transformation. No matter where you live, Asia, North America, or South America are all connected because internet connection ties together. People seem to get to know one another quite easily. But, while technology is open for free access to a vast majority of knowledge and information, we cannot deny that social security may contribute to positive or negative consequential outcomes of open access.
How can we protect themselves from unexpected criminals?
How do we make sure that our information will not be misused in a negative light?
Well, the result seems unpredictable, but protectable when learning how to approach anyone or anything properly can reduce uncompromising risks occurring in everyday communication.
So, I strongly support the idea that English is essential for global citizens.