It's true that the vast majority of the population are suffering from obesity. In fact, people are dieting, gymming, joining aerobic classes, Zumba classes and so on with an end goal to get rid of their obesity. It is because obesity is one of the most exasperating things for each one of us. In such cases, yoga can be really helpful to get rid of your unwanted ailments from your body. At the same time, it keeps up the overall mental and physical health level. Truth be told, yoga is considered as one of the most effective physical and mental exercises for our body.
When it comes to yoga poses, there are different types of postures are available to accomplish your weight loss vision. Among all, below are the 5 famous yoga poses for weight loss:
- Dhanurasana yoga pose
- Kapalbhati yoga pose
- Bhujangasana yoga pose
- Surya Namaskar yoga poses
- Bikram yoga poses
Dhanurasana Pose
A compelling yoga posture in term of weight reduction - Dhanurasana Pose is one of the most famous Hatha Yoga’s asanas. This yoga posture is otherwise called the Bow pose and sometimes Urdva Chakrasana due to its upward-facing dog posture. This pose is highly beneficial for our body as it is not only powerful in terms of weight reduction but also improves digestion, cure appetite-related issues, obesity, rheumatism and gastrointestinal issues. It additionally improves blood circulation, flexibility (back) and substantially more.
Kapalbhati Pose
Kapalbhati yoga posture is just perfect for someone who is suffering from obesity and other undesirable fats in the body. This yoga posture can without much of a stretch tear stubborn belly fats with the help of its unique breathing exercise and techniques. Keep in mind, obesity can possibly bring heart diseases, diabetes, and other serious health issues.
Bhujangasana Pose
Often known as the cobra posture, Bhujangasana posture helps torn muscles in the shoulders, trunk, stomach, helps tear undesirable fats from the body. Not only that, this yoga pose is effective for the overall body as it increases flexibility, improve digestion, blood circulation and much more. It can also help reduces stress, depression, anxiety and much more.
Surya Namaskar Poses
Known as the Sun Salutation in English, Surya Namaskar is a typical grouping of 12 body stances. Generally performed by extending the body or stretching the body, this yoga posture consumes about 400 calories in 30 minutes exercise, as per the researchers.
Bikram Poses
Bikram yoga is generally practised in a heated room of 35 to 42 °C with a humidity of 40 percent. It is completely based on the 26 specifically ordered postures. This unique yoga pose helps build adaptability in the body as well as lessens stress, nervousness, and much more that leads towards weight reduction.