1. Azure Basics a. Introduction to Cloud Computing b. IaaS Vs PaaS vs SaaS and Serverless c. Understand Azure Management Portal d. Understand various Components of Azure (Subscription, Resource Groups etc.) 2. Creating a Logical SQL Server along with a SQL Database a. Create Logical SQL Server and Sql Database b. Understand how to scale-up and scale-down the capacity of SQL Database c. Understand how to configure Alerts on db load d. Configure Web App code to access SQL Database e. Hardening the Database connection for secured access using Managed Identity. f. Configure Geo-Replication for disaster recovery. 3. Cosmos DB a. Cosmos DB – architecture b. Understand the RUs and Throughput c. Understand Partitions and the advantages 4. Redis Cache a. Create Redis Cache b. Azure Redis Cache Configure Data Persistence c. Azure Redis Cache – Improve performance using Clustering d. Azure Redis Cache Enhanced security and network isolation e. Leverage Redis Cache to manage Application Sessions in a Load Balancing environment 5. Azure Storage for storing Images & documents a. Understand different Storage Services b. Learn how to work with Blob Storage to save files and folders on the cloud c. Understand how to use Queues and implement Queue-Centric Patterns d. Copy files from on-premises to Azure Storage using AzCopy e. Understand how to configure SMB protocol with Azure File Share 6. Security a. Configure security to Storage account using i. Access keys ii. Shared Access Signature b. Configure Firewall to whitelist the required IP Address for secure access at both Server level and Database Level c. Implement RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) authorization to Azure Services d. Create and Configure Key-Vaults to secure secrets 7. Azure search a. Overview of Azure Search b. Understand the use-case of Azure Search c. Understand how to utilize and integrate Azure Search service to your application to implement Search. d. Import Data from Azure SQL Database e. Create Indexes and schedule the data-sync f. Understand how to search the index data 8. ARM Templates a. Overview of ARM Templates b. Benefits of ARM Templates c. Understand the Structure of ARM Templates d. Provision Azure Resources using ARM Templates e. Plug-in ARM Templates to Release pipeline to automate the process of provisioning the Resources 9. Azure Data Factory a. Overview b. Understand ADF Core Concepts c. Move Data from Azure Storage to SQL Database pipelines and activities d. Migrate Data from On Prem SQL Server to SQL Database using ADF e. Migrate SSIS Packages to Azure using ADF f. Understand scheduling and Monitoring the ADF Pipelines 10. Azure Data Lake a. Overview of Azure Data Lake b. Understand Azure Data Lake Architecture c. Creating an Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 with Portal d. Managing Data with Azure Data Lake Store Gen2