Hello buddies.
I am Prof. Sneh Pragya. I want to talk about the most major issue we face in life. "FEAR" this word has done lot of holes n our personality.
we fear
what if i fall. I will broke my leg.
what if I didn't get my favourite food. I wont like it
what if I got less marks than my friend. Me and my parents will be ashamed.
what will my relatives say.
what will my family say.. lot more
it starts from our childhood. When we let it win from our other emotion called happiness; it grows.
"This dog will bite me" RUN... by running we let fear win.
FEAR says "don't go to that sweet little monster, it will bite u" everytime we don't pet a Dog because fear told us not to do so. FEAR wins.
Instead, what we could have done, we could let ourselves go to the DOG with small steps and let it BITE us if it wants to bite.
Still, there are two chances: the dog will bite us or it won't.
In the worst case, the dog will bite. But after that what !!!
Some injections and no school for long ... :) isn't it good.
See every time we cancel out our fear with the courage we get treats. We become BRAVE.
Same thing happnes everytime.
If we let our fear win everyday gradually it will become a bigger FEAR monster and that big monster is going to control us.
It will control us at every moment of our life.
It wont let u enjoy the new food.
It won't let u do daring adventurous things.
It wont let you concentrate in what is important.
It wont let you enjoy ur hobbies because u may fail if u dont pay more tme to study.
It wont let u make new random friends. who could be there for you for life.
FEAR sets limits arround us. It makes us frightend of unknown things and we live in box call FEAR BOX.
Silly things like our own thaoughts can creat disasters.
It may sound obsurd that what is that, but its true.
We mostly fear from our own thoughts.
What kinda person does tht?
Answer is "everyone who let stupid fear win in small stupid things. "
Now their might be doubts like what if our fear saves us from danger?
again the Answer is FEAR dosnt save us. its our wisdome who does.
we need to be Wise and full of enthusiasm.
we need to do actually what we like to do. one day we can achieve perfection.
we need to be what we want to be. it will make us great.
we must believe our own instincts.
we need to be with whome we want to be there might be the chances of true friend for eternity.
So promise one thing to yourself that "" I am not going to fear from my own thoughts.""
I will follow my happiness step by step.