# Introduction to Automation:-
* Automation tools in the market
* Why automation required
* Automation Scenario drafting
* Introduction to eclipse IDE
# Core Java Learnings:-
* Language fundamentals
* Operators & Assignments
* Flow Control
* Declarations & access modifiers
* Exception Handling
* Collections
* Enum
* Generics
# Selenium Learnings:-
* Webdriver Configuration with eclipse
* Selenium IDE
* Selenium Webdriver
* Selenium Grid
* Firebug
* Object identification techniques
* Page Object Model
* Actions API
* Wait types in selenium
# TestNG Framework Learning's:-
* TestNG Configuration with eclipse
* TestNG Annaotations
* TestNG XML file
* TestNG Reports
* TestNG DataProvider
# Apache POI Learnings:-
* Database connection
* Reading data from excel
* Upload data into database
# Hibernate Framework Learnings:-
* Hibernate annotations
* Hibernate configuration file writing
* Hibernate session creation
* pojo class mapping
* Hibernate methods for data reading
# Maven Dependency management learnings:-
* Maven configuration with eclipse
* Maven dependancy management
* Maven integration with Jenkins
# Ant Build management tool Learnings:-
* Ant configuration with eclipse
* Writing build.xml file
* Integration with jenkins
# Jenkins CI tool learnings:-
* Installation and setup of jenkins
* Integration with scm tool
* Creating a job
* Build scheduling
* execution analysis
# Mercurial hg scm tool:-
* Installation and setup of mercurial hg
* Creating users and access levels
* Creating repositaries
* Code merge and clone tecniques
# Execution Report creation:-
* Html report creation and analysis techniques
* Excel report creation
# Hybrid Framework creation:-
* Excel files design for test data
* Automation scenario drafting
* Creation of laibraries files
* Creation of utilities files
* Test classes with TestNG annotations
* Assertion strategy
* snapshot and report generation path
* Exception handling strategy