This course is for beginners who want to learn German as their hobby, for academics or to study abroad specially in Germany.
You will learn about the articles.
The basic formation of sentences and Basic grammar.
You will be able to introduce yourself and can ask others as well.
There will be exercises after every section.
A test will be conducted after the completion of every chapter.
Syllabus for this course will be:
1. Tag in Praktikum, Begrüßung und Vorstellung (Day in internship, welcome and introduction.)
2. Telefonnummern (Phone numbers)
3. Personalbogan (Staff bogan)
4. Geschäftstermine (Business appointments)
5. Kulturangebote (Cultural activities)
6. Urlaubsplannung (Holiday planning)
7. Aufgaben als Au-pair (Tasks as an au-pair)
8. Lebensmittel (Groceries)
9. Im Supermarkt (In super market)
10. Familie (family)
11. Wer macht die Hausarbeit (Who does the housework)
12. Freizeit, Hobbys (leisure, hobbies)
13. Sportarten (sports)
14. Sportverein (sports club)
15. Zimmersuche (looking for an apartment)
16. Möbel (Furniture)
17. Kleidung (clothing)
18. Farben (Colours)
19. Materialen (material)
20. Sehenwürdigkeiten in Bern (sights in Bern)
21. Wegbeschreibung (describing the path)
22. Einladung/ interkulturelle Erfahrung (invitation/ intercultural experience)
23. Grafik: In der Scweiz leben und arbeiten (graph: Living and working in Switzerland)
24. Kunst und Malerei (art and painting)
25. Essen und Trinken (eating and drinking)
26. Im Restaurant (in restaurant)
27. Party Vorbereitung und Feier (party preparation and celebration)