Detailed Numerology Course starting from Basics of Numerology to Advanced Numerology. Covers Pythagorean Numerology in Depth Analysis and also parts of Chaldean Numerology. Name Changes including baby name change. House number and vehicle number numerology also included.Name Changes based on current desire of individuals.This course will actually take you through the various aspects of numbers and their energy. Each number has a unique energy and when numbers combine with each other they give a unique character to each individual. Numbers are known to influence the life of any individual and they have been considered sacred from time immemorial. Once you delve into the world of numbers there is so much to learn. It is my desire and wish to teach this subject to as many people as possible so that they can in turn impart the knowledge to their kith and kin and in turn help so many people to enrich their lives. Let us use this online medium of learning to reach all corners of the country and impart this knowledge of numbers to as many people as possible. Let us Learn this wonderful subject together to make the world a better place.