This course is aimed at Graduates (pass-out or appearing) who are aspiring to get admissions to premier B-Schools for MBA and also for entry-level jobs in PSUs, Banks and Armed Services.
The course will be consucted on alternate days over a month with actual Group Discussions conducted in controlled environment with audio/video recording as well as personal observation by the trainer.
Simulated GDs and Mock-interviews will be complemented with input sessions on;
What are the expectations from participants in a GD
What to do when you do not know the subject?
What to do if you are not being allowed to speak by others?
What to do if others are making noise in the GD?
When to speak and when to stop? & so on!
Every participant will get opportunity for individual interaction for addressing their concerns regarding success in their endevour.
A self-help book specifically written as a work-book for success in GDPI will be complementary take-away.