As a Neurosurgeon, I know that tremors occur to ordinary people also, when there is overactivity in SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM.
When does the sympathetic nervous system get overactivated?
If a person is anxious, nervous, angry, in a mood to fight or in terrible situations, the sympathetic nervous system gets activated, and there is an adrenaline rush.
It leads to shaking of muscles in addition to many things like increased heart rate, sweating, blurred vision etc.
Shaking of muscles is seen as tremors.
There are disease conditions as well where the delicate balance of chemicals in the nervous system called as NEUROTRANSMITTERS, goes away and tremors develop.
Some of these conditions are
1. Parkinsonism
2. Multiple Sclerosis
3. Alcoholism
4. Stroke
5. Hyperthyroidism
6. Familial (Genetic causes). The list is inexhaustive.
Suppose a person has a tremor while looking at it, he/she may feel embarrassed and ANXIOUS.
It leads to worsening of the tremor.
Through YOGA one can bring the mind to a calmer/non-anxious state, where the sympathetic nervous system is not activated, and thus tremors reduce in magnitude.
Some of the essential Yogic practices to reduce impact of tremors:
Pada Hastasana
Nadi Shuddhan Pranayama
Kapalbhati Kriya
Deep Relaxation Technique
Alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles.
With regular and dedicated practice, one can find that problem of tremors not only reduce but also vanish over some time, the balance between body and mind is achieved.