1. Glance through the questions: This will tune your mind to pay attention to specific words while reading the article. Don't spend too much time understanding each option very deeply because you will run out of time. The idea is to prime your mind to spot specific words or ideas buried in long convoluted sentences
2. If names and dates have been mentioned in the article, you can be sure some of them will figure in the questions. As you read, note down the main idea along with the names and dates next to the paragraphs as abbreviations.
3. Some questions do not have direct answers. The answers are either hidden or paraphrased. You've got to to look for them cuz if you don't, you are likely to miss them.
For example, one of the questions was about "long term occupation for natives"
In one of the paragraphs, the last sentence ends like this
"...Adventurers thought of exploration as a career, the same might be said of others on whom their expeditions depended...."
The answer is found in "thought of as a career and the same might be said of others..."
This is a paraphrased version of " long term occupation"
More in the next lesson :)