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What is the difference between Ashtanga Yoga & Hatha Yoga? Which one is more beneficial?

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I am naturopathy doctor and yoga trainer with 5 year experience.

Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, flowing practice that includes a specific set of poses and breathing exercises. It is a physically demanding practice meant to build heat and strength. Hatha yoga is a more gentle and calming practice that includes various poses, breath control, and meditation.

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Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, flowing practice that includes a specific set of poses and breathing exercises. It is a physically demanding practice meant to build heat and strength. Hatha yoga is a more gentle and calming practice that includes various poses, breath control, and meditation.
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Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, flowing practice that includes a specific set of poses and breathing exercises. It is a physically demanding practice meant to build heat and strength. Hatha yoga is a more gentle and calming practice that includes various poses, breath control, and meditation.

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Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, flowing practice that includes a specific set of poses and breathing exercises. It is a physically demanding practice meant to build heat and strength. Hatha yoga is a more gentle and calming practice that includes various poses, breath control, and meditation.
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Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, flowing practice that includes a specific set of poses and breathing exercises. It is a physically demanding practice meant to build heat and strength. Hatha yoga is a more gentle and calming practice that includes various poses, breath control, and meditation.

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I am naturopathy doctor and yoga trainer with 5 year experience.

The difference is only in the way they are practiced - Hatha is slow and one after the other, while Ashtanga is dynamic and in a flow. But both have similar poses such as downward facing dog, triangle pose, etc.
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The difference is only in the way they are practiced - Hatha is slow and one after the other, while Ashtanga is dynamic and in a flow. But both have similar poses such as downward facing dog, triangle pose, etc.

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Yoga Expert with 6 years experience in Personal Yoga Teaching.

Hatha Yoga one of the oldest form of yoga focus on body alignment and posture. Ashtanga Yoga devloped by K.Pattabhi Jois Structured form of asan with breathing.

I am naturopathy doctor and yoga trainer with 5 year experience.

The difference is only in the way they are practiced - Hatha is slow and one after the other, while Ashtanga is dynamic and in a flow. But both have similar poses such as downward facing dog, triangle pose, etc.
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The difference is only in the way they are practiced - Hatha is slow and one after the other, while Ashtanga is dynamic and in a flow. But both have similar poses such as downward facing dog, triangle pose, etc.

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I am naturopathy doctor and yoga trainer with 5 year experience.

Hatha yoga is suitable for beginners as it moves slower than the other two styles. Beginners are also introduced to basic yoga postures. Ashtanga yoga is a bit more challenging as it's a faster-paced practice. It's a structured yoga that requires practitioners to move from one pose to the next in a specific...
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Hatha yoga is suitable for beginners as it moves slower than the other two styles. Beginners are also introduced to basic yoga postures. Ashtanga yoga is a bit more challenging as it's a faster-paced practice. It's a structured yoga that requires practitioners to move from one pose to the next in a specific order read less

I am naturopathy doctor and yoga trainer with 5 year experience.

The answer is simple: they each have different focuses. Every style of yoga has a purpose reflected in how they are taught. Hatha yoga focuses on mindfulness, emphasizing breath, posture, and meditation. On the other hand, Ashtanga focuses on muscle training and developing physical strength.

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Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, flowing practice that includes a specific set of poses and breathing exercises. It is a physically demanding practice meant to build heat and strength. Hatha yoga is a more gentle and calming practice that includes various poses, breath control, and meditation. Both practices...
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Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic, flowing practice that includes a specific set of poses and breathing exercises. It is a physically demanding practice meant to build heat and strength. Hatha yoga is a more gentle and calming practice that includes various poses, breath control, and meditation.


Both practices offer many benefits and can be tailored to any level of fitness. In general, ashtanga is more beneficial as it is a more vigorous practice which can help improve strength, flexibility, and endurance. Hatha is beneficial for its calming effects and can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

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